Friday, May 30, 2008

Why Is Prince Being a Creep About That Radiohead Cover?

On Medialoper: Why Is Prince Being a Creep About That Radiohead Cover?

It’s obviously all about c-o-n control with Prince, which is why he’s done all of that batshit crazy stuff like change his name to that symbol and scrawl “slave” on his face. In his mind, it’s very black-and-white: either he controls it, or he doesn’t. The problem is that this is one of those situations where a smarter worldview might not be black-and-white, but rather a shade of, er, purple.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Gods Save The "Save Dollhouse" Campaign

New Medialoper post: Gods Save The "Save Dollhouse" Campaign

It’s also the combination of two very 21st century things: the instant online TV show fanbase, and the “save our show” campaign. What makes this great is that the instant fanbase is worrying publicly about an event that probably won’t happen for another year, at least.