Monday, February 23, 2009

Battlestar Galactica Recap: Deadlock

On Screen Junkies. Battlestar Galactica Recap: Deadlock.

I’ve got a theory about Cylons needing “love” as a factor in making babies: if you could program yourself to procreate by making offspring, human-style, isn’t it possible that you want to make sure that love was involved? Because wouldn’t that provide the best, and safest environment for the baby to grow up to be a happy, healthy, productive member of society?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Battlestar Galactica Recap: No Exit

On Screen Junkies. Battlestar Galactica Recap: No Exit

So that’s where we are. Are you confused? I was, so I broke it down with a flowchart.

Friday, February 13, 2009

19 Musical Moments To Die For

On Medialoper: 19 Musical Moments To Die For

This month, in honor of St. Valentine’s day, it’s a special theme version of Musical Moments To Die For.

Love songs! Nothing but love songs!

Well, that’s not exactly right: not so much love songs, but songs about love, which is a totally different head. Totally.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Battlestar Galactica Recap: Blood on the Scales

On Screen Junkies. Battlestar Galactica Recap: Blood on the Scales

Richard Hatch was pissed. He always loved playing Captain Apollo on the original Battlestar Galactica, and very much wanted to the sequel that he envisioned back onto TV screens. But instead, Ron Moore's "reimagined" Battlestar came out instead, and Hatch was critical of the entire enterprise. He came around, eventually, and was offered the role of Tom Zarek, Freedom Fighter. But I don't think that he's ever fully let his anger go, and, in fact, that anger has informed how he played Tom Zarek, who -- except for a short bit on New Caprica -- was never not kind of an asshole.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Battlestar Galactica Recap: The Oath

On Screen Junkies - Battlestar Galactica Recap: The Oath

Former Speaker of the House Tip O'Neil once famously said, "all politics is local," but I don't think he got specific enough, because, really, all politics is personal. And sometimes people in power don't care if they turn the entire world upside down in order to get atonement, or revenge, or maybe just an apology.

Sometimes, lots and lots of people die as a result.