Thursday, June 26, 2008

Why Kanye West is Such An Asshole

New on Medialoper: Why Kanye West is Such An Asshole

And it ain’t because he’s a genius. I mean, he may very well be a genius, and the fact that everybody takes it for granted that he is a genius because he says he is a genius makes him — at the very least — a genius at making people think that he’s a genius.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Is Playing Music on the Radio A Form of Piracy?

New on Medialoper: Is Playing Music on the Radio A Form of Piracy?

The reality is that for decades and decades, pop musicians have mythologized their songs being played on the radio. They love it. It’s always a huge deal: a moment where they felt validated or legit. I mean, have you ever heard an artist ever say, even once, “When I first heard my song on the radio, I called my lawyer, and said, ’sue those bastards, they’re ripping me off.’

Monday, June 23, 2008

Why Gene Simmons Hates You

New on Medialoper: Why Gene Simmons Hates You

By killing the music industry, you made Gene Simmons slightly less rich than he otherwise would have been.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What The Music Industry Could Learn From Lil Wayne's Success

New on Medialoper: What The Music Industry Could Learn From Lil Wayne's Success

Because file sharing is promotion.

Like the radio, like iPod ads, like mixtapes and mix CDs and clubs and parties, file sharing is all about the human impulse to say “hey, have you heard this? Because you totally need to hear it right now.”

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Want My Firefox 3.0!!

New on Medialoper: I Want My Firefox 3.0!!

By explicitly asking for the record, they’ve now set off a chain of events that might actually ensure that they don’t get the number of downloads they were originally shooting for.

Perhaps they can instead set the record for the most frustrated web users in a single day.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How ABC and Disney Spoiled "Wall-E" For The Entire World

New on Medialoper: How ABC and Disney Spoiled "Wall-E" For The Entire World

Is your life going so well that you get to hang out as a Celebrity at the 2008 NBA Finals? So now that we know that Wall-E ends up with a better life than all of the rest of us, why go see the movie?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Why ET Deserves to Be Hoaxed

New Medialoper post: Why ET Deserves to Be Hoaxed

The same story goes on to say that ET had every opportunity to fully source the story prior to airing it, but chose not to. And in fact, it’s entirely possible that they were pretty sure that the story was false even prior to airing it. In essence, they were gambling that a single source that they knew was probably wrong was actually right.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why ABC Should Give Up on "Life on Mars"

New Medialoper Post: Why ABC Should Give Up on "Life on Mars"

One of the things that made the original series so interesting was how it was a meditation on how much the world changes in just our lifetime, and how we automatically assume that things now are how they’ve always been, even when we know that’s not possible.

In other words, it wasn’t just about “ha ha, stupid 1972 cops don’t know what DNA is.” It was much deeper than that: Sam Tyler had to learn all about a world that he assumed he knew from heart.