Friday, December 19, 2008

21 Musical Moments To Die For

On Medialoper: 21 Musical Moments To Die For

The is the fifth in a series. The first one had 25, the second one had 24, the third one had 23, the fourth one had 22.

Also: there is a slight — but not total - Christmas theme going on with this one. More of an arc, really. And a couple of mini-arcs, too!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Medialoper’s 2008 Ducking The Shoe Awards

On Medialoper: Medialoper’s 2008 Ducking The Shoe Awards

“Ducking the Shoe” is a phrase coined by Daniel Fienberg a couple of days ago on Twitter to mean “escaping even the most minor of punishments for extended errors or misdeeds.”

So in the spirit of George W. Bush’s ninja-like ability to duck a shoe thrown at him from point blank range, the following people and things spent 2008 getting away with shit that they really should have been busted on.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Whatever Happened To . . . Television Without Pity?

On Medialoper: Whatever Happened To . . . Television Without Pity?

Nobody has actually bothered to defend it. I’ve received more comments from people defending From The Jam and Spiral Frog than I have from people defending the new Television Without Pity.

That’s just sad. People loved the old TWoP. Or hated it. But if they hated it; they hated it for what it was — a website with an angle and an attitude. Now, it’s got none of that, so people just tolerate it. Or ignore it. And maybe that’s what Bravo / NBC / Universal want: a site that people just visit, but don’t have any real affection or hatred for.

Friday, December 5, 2008

How The Music Industry Garnered Record Profits in 2008

On Medialoper: How The Music Garnered Record Profits in 2008

How have they done it? According to Frederick Stamphammer, the RIAA’s Vice-President of Digitization — and the man seen by most insiders as the key figure behind the transformation of the music industry into a virtual profit machine — it was by seizing the opportunity afforded by the internet nearly 10 years ago.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

How to Save Pushing Daisies

On Medialoper: How to Save Pushing Daisies

Here’s the idea: guest star Crispin Glover invents a Time Machine — disguised as an easter egg in an iPhone App called “Easter Egg” — that allows Emerson, Olive, Chuck and the Piemaker to go around in history and solve the mysterious or controversial deaths of famous people: JFK, Kurt Cobain, Howard Hughes, Harry Houdini.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Noel Murray Talks To Medialoper About Popless

On Medialoper: Noel Murray Talks To Medialoper About Popless

As someone who has been reading and (very) (occasionally) writing rockcrit for a long time, this was a new spin on solving the age-old problem of criticism in general: can I trust this person’s opinion? Popless turned out to be a internet-age combination of blog-based introspection and old-school critical judgments, and if I didn’t know where my tastes and his intersected previously, I sure as hell do now.